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Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate Suppliers, Manufacturers, and Distributors in Kolkata, India

Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate is a versatile chemical compound with wide-ranging applications in various industries, including laundry detergents, bleaching agents, and as an oxygen source in chemical synthesis. As a leading supplier and manufacturer in Kolkata, India, East India Chemicals offers premium quality Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate to meet the diverse needs of industries. 

Importance in Industry

Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate is valued for its bleaching and oxidizing properties, making it indispensable in industries where effective stain removal and disinfection are paramount. It serves as a key ingredient in laundry detergents, household cleaners, and industrial processes requiring oxygen release.

Applications and Uses

  1. Laundry Detergents: Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate acts as a powerful bleaching agent, removing tough stains and brightening fabrics in laundry detergents.
  2. Household Cleaners: Used in cleaning products to disinfect and sanitize surfaces, particularly in kitchens and bathrooms.
  3. Textile Industry: Employed in textile bleaching processes to achieve desired levels of whiteness and brightness in fabrics.
  4. Chemical Synthesis: Serves as an oxygen source in various chemical reactions, such as in the production of organic peroxides.
  5. Water Treatment: Utilized in the purification of water, particularly in swimming pools and spas, to maintain water clarity and hygiene.

Supplier and Manufacturer Insights in Kolkata

Kolkata boasts a thriving chemical industry, with several established suppliers and manufacturers offering Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate of the highest quality. Companies like East India Chemicals adhere to stringent quality standards and utilize advanced manufacturing processes to ensure the purity and effectiveness of their products.

Distribution Network

The distribution network for Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate in Kolkata is well-established, enabling prompt and reliable delivery of products to customers across the region. Distributors work closely with manufacturers to streamline logistics and ensure efficient supply chain management.

Strategic Importance of Kolkata

Kolkata's strategic location, coupled with its robust infrastructure and port facilities, makes it a prime hub for the chemical industry in India. Its proximity to major industrial centers and access to transportation networks facilitate seamless import and export of Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate and other chemical products.

How to Inquire

For inquiries regarding Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate products, pricing, or technical specifications, please contact us at East India Chemicals via email: Our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive assistance and ensuring customer satisfaction.


Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate is a versatile chemical compound with diverse applications across various industries. As a leading supplier and manufacturer in Kolkata, East India Chemicals is dedicated to delivering high-quality products and exceptional service to meet the evolving needs of our customers. For businesses seeking reliable sources of Sodium Perborate Tetrahydrate, Kolkata offers a strategic advantage, with East India Chemicals standing ready to fulfill your requirements.

Contact Us

For more information or to place an order, please email us at or visit our website at East India Chemicals.

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