Drain pipe cleaner, Fat cleaner, Drain opener, Drainex, Sewer cleaner etc kept in this category.
Mark Ship Chandler:

Drain Cleaner - DRAINEX
Product Delivery Locations:
Haldia Port, Kolkata Port Trust, Dhamra Port, Paradip Port
Heavy DUTY and fast effective Descaler for any type of metal (except for soft metal like aluminium and zinc).

Drain Opener No Odor (Power Plunger)
Product Delivery Locations:
Haldia Port, Kolkata Port Trust, Dhamra Port, Paradip Port
Non-fuming, economical, low odor, no boil up, no backflash, harmless to pipes, rubber and septic tanks. This powerful, highly concentrated, ready to use, alkaline drain opener and maintainer may be used to clear clogged drains of organic matter, hair, pa

Drain Cleaner BIO
Product Delivery Locations:
Haldia Port, Kolkata Port Trust, Dhamra Port, Paradip Port
It is very concentrate mixture , that content natural biological destroyers specially made for drain pipes and grease trap treatment.

Drain Pipe Cleaner
Product Delivery Locations:
Haldia Port, Kolkata Port Trust, Dhamra Port, Paradip Port
Extremely powerful liquid to rapidly unblock and open drains. This scales remover for sewage pipe lines and evac systems . It contains special inhibitors to make its after on most metals, concrete and plastic surfaces. Drain Blaster cuts down the need to