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Oxalic Acid supplier in Dhamra Port, Paradip Port

Oxalic Acid supplier in Dhamra Port, Paradip Port INDIA. Oxalic Acid also used for removing and cleaning of  Heavy Rust Stain. Oxalic Acid MSDS / Technical Bulletine are available through this link:

You may also try our new generation product Metalbrite , Which is more effective on rust and easy to use. Its product property and MSDS are available with this link:

Transparant, colourless crystals. Hazard: Toxic by inhalation and ingestion, strong irritant.

Uses: general metal and equipment cleaning, purifying agent and intermediate for many compounds.

Oxalic acid's main applications include cleaning or bleaching, especially for the removal of rust (iron complexing agent), e.g. Bar Keepers Friend is an example of a household cleaner containing oxalic acid.
About 25% of produced oxalic acid is used as a mordant in dyeing processes.
It is used in bleaches, especially for pulpwood.
It is also used in baking powder.


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