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Metakleen Soltex manufacturers & suppliers in Haldia Port, Kolkata Port Trust, Dhamra Port,Paradip Port in india & also in gulf countries like Dubai, singapore,UAE.

East india chemicals is one of the most proficient manufacturers & suppliers of  Metakleen Soltex in Haldia Port, Kolkata Port Trust, Dhamra Port,Paradip Port in india &  also in gulf countries like Dubai, singapore,UAE. Metakleen Soltex is a strong non caustic alkaline cleaner designed for use in the food and related industries in situations where the use of a caustic material is not indicated either for safety reasons or where susceptible materials are involved, for example aluminum and zinc. Metakleen Soltex is also ideal for cleaning the most stubborn grease, oil, carbon, Sintered bronze capsule of T Type strainer and other hard coatings in engineering production and maintenance. we commit you the best quality, huge quantity and fast delivery time. please find link:: to get more details like MSDS, Technical specification of  Metakleen Soltex. If you are interested in our products, please do not hesitate to drop me an email. email id :: I would like to assist you immediately.

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