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Lead Oxide (PbO) manufacturer & suppliers in Haldia Port, Kolkata Port Trust, Dhamra Port, Paradip Port in india & also in gulf countries like Dubai, singapore,UAE.

East india chemicals is one of the most promising manufacturer & suppliers of Lead Oxide (PbO) in Haldia Port, Kolkata Port Trust, Dhamra Port, Paradip Port in india & also in gulf countries like Dubai, singapore,UAE. Lead is seldom found uncombined in nature, it is mostly found in the form of Lead Oxides. Lead Oxides includes all oxides of Lead (Pb).Our premium quality Lead Oxide powder finds extensive usage in diverse manufacturing industry domains like ceramics, insecticides, lubricants, rubber, PVC, inorganic pigments, petroleum refining and so on. We are one of the leading Lead Oxide manufacturers in India and Lead Oxide  suppliers having streamlined manufacturing facility with fully automated Barton Plant having a heating capacity at 600°C temperature in the beginning manufacturing process and have installed Lead Oxide furnaces for the second production phase. Our Lead Oxide manufacturing process involves making use of Pure Lead as raw material with of 99.98% purity. Since 1995 RX GROUP OF INDUSTRIES ( Subsidiary company name - East India Chemical International ) only concentrating on cleaning chemical reaction our continuity in same field and day by day development given us opportunity to lead among all. Please find link If you are interested in our product mail us on Email :::

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