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Epoxy Paint Remover supplier Distributor Manufacturer in Kolkata West Bengal india

East india Chemicals  is the leading Supplier , manufacturer of Epoxy Paint Remover &  cleaning chemical products in the Kolkata India .Epoxy Paint Remover is an extremely strong stripper that effectively removes paint, varnish, lacquer, shellac, epoxy, urethane, latex or any synthetic coating. It can be used on wood, metal, concrete and masonry. The semi-paste formula works in 15 minutes or less and clings to vertical surfaces.

How do you remove epoxy paint from metal?

Uncured epoxy is removed as you would spilled resin. Scrape as much material as you can from the surface using a stiff metal or plastic scraper-warm the epoxy to lower its viscosity. Clean the residue with lacquer thinner, acetone, or alcohol.

What is the best way to remove epoxy paint from concrete?

Although solvents such as lacquer thinner help to remove the epoxy coating, acetone frequently produces the best results. Scrape away the epoxy coating and repeat the process over different areas of the floor. Finish by hosing down the surface of the floor to remove the solvent.

Epoxy is a strong adhesive or paint that was developed to withstand wear and tear. Because it is so strong, it can be very difficult to remove. Removing this product requires careful planning, consideration, preparation, and patience. Because the product is resistant to traditional paint removal methods, very strong chemical solutions or high-pressure abrasive tools must be used to remove epoxy paint. When removing epoxy paint, make sure you consider your removal options carefully and take the necessary safety measures.

Opt for a methylene chloride stripper. Since epoxy paint is strong and resistant to wear and tear, removing it with a typical paint thinner will not work. Working with a stripper that contains methylene chloride, also called dichloromethane, will work best for removing epoxy paint. These can be found at home improvement stores, industrial suppliers, and various online retailers.

Methylene chloride is a carcinogen and can cause respiratory, eye, and skin irritations. In addition, exposure to high concentrations can cause dizziness, confusion, headache, nausea, and even unconsciousness and death.

It is important to follow the safety measures and instructions provided with the product.

Consider using a caustic stripper. Caustic strippers are also an effective option for removing epoxy paint. These products work to break down the chemicals in the paint. They typically take longer to remove paint than methylene chloride strippers, but they carry fewer health risks. If the surface you are working with has several, thick layers of epoxy paint, consider using a caustic stripper.
Caustic strippers should not be used to remove epoxy paint on wood since they can break down the fibers in the wood and attract moisture.

Use acetone to remove epoxy paint on smaller surfaces. Acetone is a solvent that can help lift away epoxy paint on small surfaces.Acetone evaporates quickly, so it will not work on larger surface areas. Soak a small plastic object in a plastic container that is filled with acetone. While wearing gloves, use a washcloth that is soaked with acetone to rub away paint after soaking.

Acetone is highly flammable. Be sure to use this product in a safe environment away from an open flame.

Purchase acetone online or at your local home improvement store.

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