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Degreaser Supplier, Manufacturer, and Distributor in Kolkata, India: East India Chemicals

Degreasers are essential cleaning agents used across various industries to remove grease, oil, and other contaminants from surfaces. Whether it's for automotive, industrial, or household applications, having a reliable supplier, manufacturer, and distributor is crucial for maintaining equipment and ensuring cleanliness. In Kolkata, India, East India Chemicals stands out as a leading provider of high-quality degreasers. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, East India Chemicals offers a wide range of degreasers tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clients.

About East India Chemicals

East India Chemicals is a renowned name in the chemical industry, known for its innovative solutions and high standards of quality. Based in Kolkata, the company specializes in manufacturing and distributing a variety of chemical products, including degreasers. With years of experience and expertise, East India Chemicals has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses across different sectors.

Applications of Degreasers

Degreasers have a wide range of applications across various industries. Some of the primary applications include:

1. Automotive Industry

  • Engine Cleaning: Degreasers are used to clean engines by removing oil, grease, and grime that accumulate over time. This ensures optimal performance and longevity of the engine.
  • Parts Cleaning: Automotive parts such as gears, bearings, and transmission components require regular degreasing to function effectively and prevent wear and tear.
  • Surface Preparation: Before painting or coating, degreasers are used to clean surfaces, ensuring better adhesion and a smoother finish.

2. Industrial Sector

  • Machinery Maintenance: Industrial machinery and equipment often accumulate grease and oil, which can hinder their performance. Degreasers help in maintaining these machines, ensuring their efficient operation.
  • Floor Cleaning: Industrial floors can become slippery and hazardous due to grease and oil spills. Degreasers are used to clean these surfaces, ensuring a safe working environment.
  • Tools and Equipment Cleaning: Regular cleaning of tools and equipment with degreasers helps in maintaining their functionality and extending their lifespan.

3. Marine Industry

  • Ship Maintenance: Ships and boats require regular degreasing to remove oil, fuel residues, and other contaminants from their surfaces, ensuring their smooth operation and preventing corrosion.
  • Deck and Hull Cleaning: Degreasers are used to clean the decks and hulls of ships, removing tough stains and residues that accumulate over time.
  • Engine Room Cleaning: The engine rooms of ships need regular degreasing to maintain cleanliness and prevent fire hazards.

4. Household Applications

  • Kitchen Cleaning: Degreasers are commonly used in kitchens to clean stovetops, ovens, and other surfaces that accumulate grease and oil from cooking.
  • Garage Cleaning: Garages often have oil and grease stains on floors and workbenches. Degreasers help in cleaning these surfaces effectively.
  • Outdoor Equipment: Outdoor equipment such as lawnmowers, bicycles, and grills can be cleaned with degreasers to remove grease and dirt.

Uses of Degreasers

Degreasers are versatile cleaning agents with various uses, including:

1. Surface Cleaning

Degreasers are used to clean a wide range of surfaces, including metal, plastic, and painted surfaces. They effectively remove grease, oil, and other contaminants, leaving surfaces clean and residue-free.

2. Preparation for Painting and Coating

Before applying paint or coating to a surface, it is essential to remove any grease or oil that could affect adhesion. Degreasers are used to prepare surfaces for painting or coating, ensuring a smooth and long-lasting finish.

3. Routine Maintenance

Regular use of degreasers helps in maintaining equipment and machinery by keeping them clean and free from contaminants. This reduces the risk of breakdowns and extends the lifespan of the equipment.

4. Stain Removal

Degreasers are effective in removing tough stains from various surfaces. Whether it's oil stains on concrete floors or grease stains on kitchen countertops, degreasers can tackle stubborn stains with ease.

5. Industrial Cleaning

In industrial settings, degreasers are used for cleaning machinery, tools, and workspaces. They help in maintaining a clean and safe working environment, reducing the risk of accidents and improving productivity.

Why Choose East India Chemicals?

Choosing the right supplier, manufacturer, and distributor for degreasers is crucial for ensuring quality and reliability. East India Chemicals offers several advantages, including:

1. High-Quality Products

East India Chemicals is committed to providing high-quality degreasers that meet the highest standards of performance and safety. Their products are formulated to deliver exceptional cleaning results, ensuring customer satisfaction.

2. Extensive Range of Products

East India Chemicals offers a wide range of degreasers to cater to the diverse needs of different industries. Whether you need a degreaser for automotive, industrial, marine, or household applications, they have the right product for you.

3. Expertise and Experience

With years of experience in the chemical industry, East India Chemicals has the expertise and knowledge to provide effective solutions for your cleaning needs. Their team of professionals is dedicated to delivering the best products and services to their clients.

4. Customer-Centric Approach

East India Chemicals places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. They work closely with their clients to understand their specific requirements and provide tailored solutions that meet their needs.

5. Competitive Pricing

East India Chemicals offers high-quality degreasers at competitive prices, ensuring that their clients get the best value for their money. They strive to provide cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality.

Product Inquiry

For product inquiries or to learn more about the degreasers offered by East India Chemicals, please contact us at:

Our team is ready to assist you with your requirements and provide you with the best degreasing solutions.


East India Chemicals is your trusted partner for degreasers in Kolkata, India. With a commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, we offer a wide range of degreasers for various applications and industries. Whether you need a degreaser for automotive, industrial, marine, or household use, East India Chemicals has the right product for you. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you with your cleaning needs.

For inquiries, reach out to us at

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