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Air Cooler Cleaner Alkaline 25 Ltrs manufacturer & suppliers in Haldia Port, Kolkata Port Trust, Dhamra Port, Paradip Port in india & also in gulf countries like Dubai, singapore,UAE.

East india chemicals is one of the most promising manufacturer & suppliers of Air Cooler Cleaner Alkaline 25 Ltrs in Haldia Port, Kolkata Port Trust, Dhamra Port, Paradip Port in india & also in gulf countries like Dubai, singapore,UAE.
Its special penetrating agents quickly emulsify & break up oily grime, dirt and air-borne industrial impurities. Super high foaming, deodorized, alkaline coil cleaner recommended for cleaning and brightening aluminum finned cooling and heating coils, condensers and evaporators. It's strong foaming action penetrates beneath contamination and pushes dirt and grease from the coil to the outer surface. Carbonaceous particles can be removed by Alkaline Cleaners. If you are interested in our products, please do not hesitate to drop me an email ( ). I would like to assist you immediately. Please find below link to get more details about the product.

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