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Potassium permanganate supplier in kolkata - East India Chemical

Potassium permanganate as a medication is used for a number of skin conditions This includes fungal infections of the foot, impetigo, pemphigus, superficial wounds, dermatitis, and tropical ulcers.For tropical ulcers it is used together with procaine benzylpenicillin.Typically it is used in skin conditions that produce a lot of liquid It can be applied as a soaked dressing or a bat

Side effects may include irritation of the skin and discoloration of clothing. If it is taken by mouth, toxicity and death may occur.Potassium permanganate is an oxidizing agent.The British National Formulary recommends that each 100 mg be dissolved in a liter of water before use

Potassium permanganate was first made in the 1600s and came into common medical use at least as early as the 1800s. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. The wholesale cost in the developing world is about 0.01 USD per g. In the United Kingdom this amount costs the NHS about.

Medical Uses

Uses include for fungal infections of the foot, impetigo, pemphigus, superficial wounds, dermatitis (eczema), and tropical ulcers.Typically it is used in skin conditions that produce a lot of liquid. For tropical ulcers it is used together with procaine benzylpenicillin for two to four weeks.

It can be used in children and adults. It can be applied as a soaked dressing or a bath. Petroleum jelly may be used on the nails before soaking to prevent their discoloration. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not recommend its use in either the crystal or tablet form.

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