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Tolidine supplier Distributor Manufacturer in Kolkata India

East India chemical 2-Tolidine (orthotolidine, o-tolidine) (not to be confused with o-toluidine) is an organic compound with the chemical formula (C6H4(CH3)NH2)2. Several isomers are known; the 3-tolidine derivative is also important commercially. It is a colorless compound although commercial samples are often colored. It is slightly soluble in water. It forms salts with acids, such as the hydrochloride, which is commercially available.


Tolidine is a commercial aromatic amine used mainly for dye production.
It has also for the production of certain elastomers. 2-Tolidine is an intermediate for the production of soluble azo dyes and insoluble pigments used particularly in the textile, leather and paper industries. 2-Tolidine was widely used as a reagent or indicator in analytical, clinical and forensic chemistry, such as in the analytical determination of gold, or determination of the chlorine level in swimming pool water.Merck has ceased its production in the 1970s, though it's available through other vendors.

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