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Phosphoric acid supplier Manufacturer in kolkata india

Phosphoric acid (also known as orthophosphoric acid or phosphoric(V) acid) is a mineral (inorganic) and weak acid having the chemical formula H3PO4. Orthophosphoric acid refers to phosphoric acid, which is the IUPAC name for this compound. The prefix ortho- is used to distinguish the acid from related phosphoric acids, called polyphosphoric acids. Orthophosphoric acid is a non-toxic acid, which, when pure, is a solid at room temperature and pressure.

- Colorless, transparent and syrupy liquid;
- Odorless and tastes very sour;
- Freezing point: -17.5℃
- Boiling point: 135℃;
- Easily soluble in water and resolved in ethanol;
- May irritate human skin to cause phlogosis and destroy the issue of human body;
- Has got hydroscopic.
·removing dust from the metal surfaces;
·rust converter by bringing it in direct contact with a rusted iron, or steel tools and other rusted
·cleaning the mineral deposits, cement nous smears, and hard water stains.
- Food Additive in vegetable oil processing, sugar production, phosphates manufacturing
- Food Additive: to acidify the foods and beverages such as colas.


- Medicine: an important ingredient in over the counter medications to combat nausea.
- Dentistry: Used as an etching solution, to clean and roughen the surfaces of teeth where dental appliances
or fillings will be placed.

·In sealed containers at room temperature and above freezing (crystallization) point to maintain product
·Storage area should be well ventilated
·Preferred storage containers includes stainless steel or certain reinforced plastics
·Away from alkalis, sulfides, cyanides and metal powder.


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