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Electrosol E Supplier in Kolkata, Howrah Haldia, Paradip, Buz budge.

Electrosol E

Electrosol E is an Excellent cleaner for electric parts. It is a superb balanced blend of non chlorinated degresol with surfactants which eliminates Quick evaporation rate and resulting for cleaning electrical equipment. Electrosol E can used to clean virtually all electrical equipment and components. It has high dissolving and high penetrating action. It is having high degreasing power with emulsification power and it is completely non corrosive.

East India Chemical international is one of popular marine chemicals supplier in Kolkata, Howrah Haldia, Paradip, Buz budge. We are keeping ready stock of Electrosol E at our Howrah Location. Please view our Location Map . And for contact details pl. click here. 


We have specialized email address to get maximum discount and prompt response on your Electrosol E requirement. Email :


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