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Acetone Supplier in Kolkata paradip kharagpur jharkhand haldia in india

East india chemicals  was created in 1995 group of  RXMARINE INTERNATIONAL ​​from one man’s vision:

one man army in chemical industry  and also know as name CHEMICAL MAN INDIA   that by combining an expert knowledge of the chemical industry and the commitment of providing solutions to the specific needs of their customers, a business would better serve other companies and ultimately be successful.

Kolkata is one of the most important center for the large-scale manufacturer and distribution of chemicals. The chemicals in Kolkata produced are of a diverse nature, ranging from those used in industries to specific analytical purposes in laboratories.


Acetone, or propanone, is the organic compound with the formula (CH3)2CO. It is a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid and is the simplest and smallest ketone.Acetone can be used on stains caused by substances such as fingernail polish or household cement.

Acetone is produced and disposed of in the human body through normal metabolic processes. It is normally present in blood and urine. People with diabetes produce it in larger amounts. Reproductive toxicity tests show that it has low potential to cause reproductive problems. Ketogenic diets that increase ketones (acetone, β-hydroxybutyric acid and acetoacetic acid) in the blood are used to counter epileptic attacks in infants and children who suffer from recalcitrant refractory epileps.

Product Description: 

Acetone can be used on stains caused by substances such as fingernail polish or household cement. Although it will not damage either natural fibers or most synthetics, it should be pretested to make sure that dyed fabrics will not be harmed. It should not be used on fabrics containing acetate. Use only pure acetone on stains; although most nail polish removers contain acetone, the other ingredients included in these products can worsen stains. 


Domestic and other niche uses

Acetone is often the primary component in cleaning agents such as nail polish remover. Acetone is a component of superglue remover and easily removes residues from glass and porcelain. Make-up artists use acetone to remove skin adhesive from the netting of wigs and mustaches by immersing the item in an acetone bath, then removing the softened glue residue with a stiff brush.



About a third of the world's acetone is used as a solvent, and a quarter is consumed as acetone cyanohydrin, a precursor to methyl methacrylate.


Acetone is a good solvent for many plastics and some synthetic fibers. It is used for thinning polyester resin, cleaning tools used with it, and dissolving two-part epoxies and superglue before they harden. It is used as one of the volatile components of some paints and varnishes. As a heavy-duty degreaser, it is useful in the preparation of metal prior to painting. It is also useful for high reliability soldering applications to remove rosin flux after soldering is complete; this helps to prevent the rusty bolt effect.


Product Procedure: 

Glycerine. Glycerine is sold generically in pharmacies. It is used in the preparation of the wet spotter, which is used to remove many kinds of stains.


Oxalic Acid. Effective in treating ink and rust stains, oxalic acid crystals may be found in pharmacies or special-ordered from them. Before using the crystals, you must dissolve them in water (1 tablespoon crystals to 1 cup warm water). You may also be able to purchase liquid oxalic acid at hardware stores, where it is sometimes sold as wood bleach. Pretest the solution on a hidden corner before using it on the stain. Moisten the stained area with the solution. Allow to dry, then reapply, keeping the area moist until the stain is removed. Be sure all traces of the solution are rinsed out. Caution: Oxalic acid is poisonous. Avoid all contact with the skin and eyes and wear rubber gloves and other protective clothing when working with it.


Sodium Thiosulfate. Sometimes available in crystal form at drugstores and photo supply houses, sodium thiosulfate is also known as photographic "hypo" or fixer. Although considered safe for all fibers and harmless to dyes, it should be­ tested on an inconspicuous area of fabric before use. Handle carefully, as sodium thiosulfate can cause irritation to the eyes, skin, lungs and digestive tract.


Turpentine. Turpentine is commonly found in paint and hardware stores and in art supply houses. Most often used as a thinner for oil-base paints, it is effective on paint and grease stains, but it must be used carefully. Caution: Turpentine is flammable and poisonous. Observe all label precautions.


Vinegar. Only white vinegar should be used for stain removal. Cider and wine vinegar have color that can leave a stain. Vinegar can be purchased at grocery stores and pharmacies. It contains a 5% acetic acid solution and should be diluted if you must use it on cotton or linen. Vinegar is safe for all other colorfast fibers, but can change the color of some dyes, so always test its effects on an inconspicuous area first. If a dye changes color, rinse the affected area with water and add a few drops of ammonia. Rinse thoroughly with water again.


We also have a range of our own-brand RXSOL chemicals, which are all high quality, as part of our commitment to provide you with only premium products.As leading  chemical suppliers we have many years experience, our knowledge guarantees expertise and excellent customer service to all of our customers.


We try our best to supply every chemical you may wish to buy. However, if there is something you can’t find, feel free to contact us and we will find just what you are looking for and offer you a competitive price. For more information or to request a particular product, call customer services  or email help

Chemicals can be bought  at competitive prices, individually or in bulk, where you can make great savings.We deliver all products throughout the INIDA using trusted carriers.

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