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Coolant Green RXSOL G 93-94 Supplier in Aurangabad district, Maharashtra, Kolkata, Haldia Port, Paradip, Buje - Buje Port, India

Coolant Green RXSOL G 93-94 Supplier in Aurangabad district, Maharashtra, Kolkata, Haldia Port, Paradip, Buje - Buje Port, India.


Coolant Green RXSOL G 93-94 is an inhibitor concentrate/chemical which is added to the cooling water of internal combustion engines in cases in which the coolant does not need to be protected from freezing. It efforts excellent protection against cavitation and corrosion to all metals and alloys that are used in cooling systems.It is especially appropiate for the use in heavy-duty engines such as those used in trucks,  ships and lokomotives.

At concentration of 10% by volume, Coolant Green RXSOL G 93-94 affords excellent protection against cavitation and corrosion to all metal and alloys which are used in cooling system, such as aluminium, ferrous and yellow metals.

We provide top service delivery and guarantee customer satisfaction


Contact: 9322594669

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