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RXSOL-1001 is most popular and top brand name in Gel form of Hand Cleaner. RXSOL-1001 is heavy duty creamy gel for cleaning of oily, greasy hand. Waterless hand cleaner easily dissolves carbon containing heavy duty grim from skin surface. RXSOL-1001 also effective to clean hand in Rubber tyre industries. East India Chemical International is suplier of waterless hand cleaner in Kolkata, West Bengal.
Its standard packing is in 250 Gram, 500 Gram, 1 Kg, 4 Kg JAR. RXSOL-1001 unit price is 121 INR / Kg ( TAX Extra ) . STOCK is available in Howrah Kolkata. RXSOL-1001 is just like FACE CREAM in white colour, very soft on Skin surface.We are supplying RXSOL-1001 through our various distributor in Printing press, Railways, Air Lines, Tyre Industries, Ink Paint Industries, Carbon, Marine and Oil field industries.
Product specification and more details are availble with this link
Product inquiry and MSDS copy available through our email :
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