Fuel Bunker Oil required proper treatment to stabilizes and stops sludge formation which helps to increase fuel efficiency. This group includes Fuel Oil Treatment, Dual Purpose Plus, Diesilite Combustion Improver, Soot remover, Burnaid, Fuel Emulsion Breaker, Valvocare etc. East India Chemcial International supplier of ship fuel oil treatment chemicals in Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip, Buj Buj PORT. Fuel treatment and additive includes: Antioxidants. Antifoamers. Bactericides. Improvers: cetane no. / octane no., cold filter plugging point (CFPP), cloud point, conductivity, lubricity. Inhibitors: corrosion, paraffin and wax. Demulsifiers etc
Gas Side Cleaner RXSOL
GAS SIDE CLEANER is sprayed undiluted on a completely dry area on to the upper most point of the system.
DEF Blue Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Blue DEF eliminates nitrogen oxide emissions.
Bottle Glass for Fuel Sampling
Cold Flow Improver and Pour Point Dispersant
Bottle Glass for Fuel Sampling
Glass Bottle with Cap
Cold Flow Improver and Pour Point Dispersant
Improve the flow in winter (Low temperature). This also reduced risk of fuel waxing and solidification. This product reduces pour point and cold filter plugging point (CFPP), by an average of 15°C and 10°C respectively.
Cloud Point Improvers
Antioxidant Liquid For Gasoline
BIOCIDE Fuel Additive
Dual Purpose Plus